
“We are able to see our faculty shine in real time…We didn’t have that before. Before, when the provost wanted to present to our board of trustees on great faculty accomplishments, that meant emailing the dean to email the chair to email the faculty to try and figure out who’s done something great. Now in the provost’s office, we can run a report and have that data in front of us in minutes, which allows our provost a lot more ability to highlight the great things our faculty are doing. Our faculty then are able to leverage that same tool to show their great accomplishments for potential grant awards.”
Kyle Christmas, Executive Director of Accreditation and External Compliance at Austin Peay State University
“[Watermark] helps us keep track of growth in terms of publications, grant funding and number of proposals submitted and won, presentations, faculty involvement in professional and community service, and honors and awards earned by faculty. It houses these activities for overall institutional evaluation and for dept chairs’ evaluation of faculty in one place.”
Verified User in Higher Education
“I really like the ability of the Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys to obtain honest feedback from my students which helps me to frequently make my courses better. I particularly like its graphical representation that shows my evaluation for a section in comparison to other instructors in my department.”
Olamide Tawose, Assistant Professor and Lead Faculty Success Ambassador
“From a faculty point of view, we’ve found Watermark’s Student Learning & Licensure to be fairly streamlined when completing assessment. SSO log in has been a game changer – faculty (and students) can quickly log in with their school credentials… Once data has been entered, reporting is a breeze. Our previous AMS took me hours per report – having to combine multiple csv files then use pivot tables and formulas to calculate data. What would take me a week of tedious work can now be finished in an hour or two.“
Stephanie Lehman, Instructional Designer, Course Developer, Assessment Analyst
“The most helpful aspects are that all my program data live in one place for historical reference and access. Prior to the purchase of this resource, we had data on personal computers, excel spreadsheets and in emails. Now all Deans update [the] year for their programs and I can review it when needed. Also very helpful if a Dean leaves the university, I do not have to worry about where to find the Program Review and Assessment data.“
Kirstie DeBiase, Ed. D, Provost at West Coast University
“The ability to create and customize self-study templates allows them to be used for a variety of institutional processes. I also like the ease of use/trainability for new users. Each time we set up a new user with a template, it is very simple to implement for the new users. Our faculty and staff have gotten used to utilizing Watermark for several tasks, and the system is now a part of our program review, assessment, and federal reporting practices.“
Ester Rogers, Assessment and Accreditation Manager
“The ability to easily collaborate with colleagues across various areas on campus, share evidence items, and customize our compliance certificate.”
Pamela Miller, Vice President for Academic Affairs
“Tracking student learning and outcomes is more critical than ever before, and utilizing Watermark facilitates robust data collection that prompts continuous program improvement. Where the certification program is large or small, using Watermark helps with 1) systematically managing field experiences and placements; 2) streamlining grading an assessment for faculty; 3) embedding key program assessments in the LMS that are very easy to use. It is already helping us identify places where our assessment processes can be better streamlined.”
Charity Dacey, Member Board Of Trustees at Roseville Community Charter School
“[Student Learning & Licensure] allows us to track our assessment data and run reports by a number of factors including by standards, race/ethnicity, semester, program, faculty, etc. This is essential for program improvement as well as for accreditation. Implementation was supported by the Watermark team and integrated with our student information system and learning management system. We use it every day.”
Amy Kline, Associate Dean, College Effectiveness at Seton Hall University
“Watermark Student Success & Engagement is allowing the advisor to focus on decisions — not tedious tasks like, ‘I need to send 25 emails.’ They can easily drag and drop, so what used to take them a day is now taking 30 or 40 minutes. Now they’re able to really focus on building those relationships that are key to the retention efforts that we’re making.”
Zachary Kendra-Dill, Ed.D. at Gaston College
“I oversee a lot of our accreditation efforts. Being able to integrate [Watermark Faculty Success] with our student information system, which is Banner for us, to bring all scheduled teaching in to then produce that faculty roster for SACSCOC accreditation work. It saved me weeks if not months of manual activity. It was truly a game changer for our entire process, and it freed me up to focus more on some of the other things that really matter.”
Kyle Christmas, Executive Director of Accreditation and External Compliance at Austin Peay State University
“When we were trying to get our data organized for accreditation, I remember people running down the halls calling out, ‘Does anybody have any evidence for this?’ We didn’t have a systematic way of collecting, saving, and reporting on our data. Our evidence was stored in file cabinets, zip folders, and even floppy disks. There was no one person in charge. Every department and program had their own way of reporting. Watermark helped us solve that problem.”
Brian Filipiak, Administrative Associate of Academic Services at College of Education - Eastern Michigan University
Watermark Planning and Self-Study offers the integration of academic program review, accreditation self-studies, and strategic planning! If you are using multiple programs supplemented with shared folders or spreadsheets, look no further.
Jana VanderTook, Director of Faculty Services and Assessment at Oklahoma Baptist University
“The best feature of Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys is the variety of reports that can be viewed. You can have a detailed summary with or without the comments, a response report, raw data, or even a full report. The program itself is easy to use as an instructor but also as a supervisor viewing all instructors’ evaluations. It makes what could be a time-consuming chore into an efficient one.”
Verified User in Higher Education
“What I like best about Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys is the ease of integration with the LMS and student data systems. Creating new evaluation questions or using existing ones are all stored in the system. Searching for projects, individual instructor results or overall results is user-friendly and pulls the data quickly.”
Sharon I., Educational Technologist - EvaluationKit administrator at Unitek Learning Education Group Corp.
“I’ve had the privilege of working with a lot of Watermark team members over the past few years, both on our implementation processes and then a few different client support specialists along the way, and I’ve got to say, your team is fantastic. Everybody that I’ve worked with has been not only a joy to work with, but also a great ally and a resource as we continue to figure out ways to maximize the tools.”
Kyle Christmas, Executive Director of Accreditation and Compliance at Austin Peay State University
“Faculty have commented that [Watermark] is much easier to use based on previous assessment software; much more user-friendly and professional. The customer support is good – they are open to feedback from users and will implement our suggestions over time.”
Karina Knutson, Assessment & Accreditation Specialist
“I have been using Watermark Planning & Self-Study primarily for program review, and it has become an indispensable tool in Rock Valley College’s assessment and continuous improvement efforts. The platform simplifies the entire program review process for me from data collection to feedback to sending off the reports. The interface is intuitive and I am able to easily navigate to where I need to go and I am able to easily customize the templates for our state reporting requirements. The Help section is particularly valuable, with many well-written articles that provide clear guidance on how to make the most of the platform’s features. If I cannot find what I need in the Help section, the customer support has been exceptional, and quick with responses.”
Sonnie Glusman, Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Communications
“We have used Watermark’s Planning & Self Study for years now and I love how flexible the system is. We use P&SS for our academic program review, our general education review, our strategic planning, and our accreditation report submission. I think the system is easy enough to use that we can allow faculty to log in and enter the data for their IE data. I really appreciate how easy it is to do a year by year comparison on IE results. … P&SS helps me by combining the function of several different software programs into one. Prior to implementing P&SS, we used a homegrown system for academic program review and core review, we used a competitor for accreditation reporting, and we used yet a different one for strategic planning. It has saved lots of time and headaches to combine them into one.”
Cherie Hohertz, Assistant Provost for Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives
“Before, end-of-class evaluation and survey feedback saw a lag time of three to four months — much too late to make meaningful changes before the next courses began — now the school sees results within about a week, with no manual work required.”
Paul Gratton, D.B.A., Associate Dean and Chair of Business, College of Adult and Graduate Studies at Montreat College
“Watermark Student Success and Engagement allows us to have an “all in one” place for faculty and staff (including but not limited to Academic Advisors, Success Coaches, and Counselors) to monitor and react to the success of our students. This has allowed us to assist students when they need it, and allows for proactive action, rather than just reactive action. This has contributed to increased student retention semester to semester, and year to year, every term since implementation in January 2020.”
Verified User in Higher Education
“Watermark SS&E allows our advising team to efficiently address student academic issues through multiple features. We have expanded the use to key stakeholders across campus for their specific needs, all centered on student support. We are seeing increased collaboration from various departments, allowing us to support students in ways we never have before. Through the SS&E features, we can help students proactively rather than reactively.”
David Brock
“What I like best about Watermark Faculty Success is its comprehensive data management capabilities. The platform allows for detailed teaching, research, and service activity tracking, providing a holistic view of faculty performance. Watermark Faculty Success addresses key administrative challenges, enhances data management and reporting, and supports strategic initiatives, ultimately contributing to the institution’s success and efficiency.”
Jacques Houssou
“What I feel Faculty Success does well is it gives the university a way to quickly and accurately retrieve data that may take several requests and many months to collect otherwise. The ability to generate common reports for accreditors is overwhelmingly useful. I also appreciate the web services client to give our faculty members the ability to update their personal information on the public facing website for the university. Customer support is always very helpful and quick to respond.”
Lindsay Hayes
“Watermark Faculty Success makes it easy to track all my activities in teaching, scholarship, and service. It creates a helpful record that I can use in the tenure and promotion process. I like to enter my items immediately so that I don’t miss anything.”
Verified User in Higher Education
“I can pull a report and see what everyone’s qualified to teach. That’s moved us out of the paper, PDF, and shared drive world. Now I can access the data I need from anywhere.”
Paul Gratton, D.B.A., Associate Dean & Chair of Business at College of Adult and Graduate Studies at Montreat College
“The return on investment of Watermark cannot be underestimated. This ultimately benefits the students through improved persistence and graduation rates, as well as the financial bottom line of the institution.”
Dr. Sarah Kottich, Executive Vice President at College of Saint Mary
“It’s another way to add breadth and depth to our reporting. We get reliable data through score collaboration exercises. It’s very exciting — results can happen in the span of one day!”
Dr. Michelle Maus, Dean, Accreditation and Assessment at Tiffin University
“Watermark made it easy for us to get buy-in. Features like mass messaging, notes integrations, and the integration with our SIS and LMS have changed the way our staff engage with students.”
Kathy Heckmaster, PMP, Director of Student Relationship Management at Columbia College
“The ROI of Watermark cannot be underestimated. [It] benefits the students through improved persistence and graduation rates as well as the financial bottom line of the institution.”
Zachary Kendra-Dill, Ed.D., Director of Advising and Testing Services at Gaston College
“Watermark helps me capture information and put it right at our fingertips. We can then pull out insights and say ‘here’s where we’re being successful’ or ‘here’s where we could do better.’”
Brian Filipiak, Administrative Associate of Academic Services at College of Education - Eastern Michigan University
“The biggest benefit of Watermark is having all of our information in one spot. We can quickly see what programs are doing and how their learning outcomes tie into the university outcomes.”
Jana VaderTook, Director of Faculty Services and Assessment at Oklahoma Baptist University
“At MTSU we built solid foundations with our people and processes to implement Watermark solutions. Now we have the data and the campus feedback to tell a great success story.”
Brian P. Hinote, Professor & Associate Vice Provost for Data Analytics & Student Success at Middle Tennessee State University
“Course Evaluations & Surveys is automated and you can check your response rate in real-time. For faculty members, the feedback is as close to instant as possible.”
Dr. Carol Ann MacGregor, Vice President at Loyola University New Orleans
“The annual cycle of continuous improvement provides a built-in focus each year, and Planning & Self-Study is a place for me to see our progress over time.”
Michele Atkins, Assistant Provost for Accreditation and Research at Union University
“Planning & Self-Study has significantly improved assessment completion time, collaboration, budget tracking, and review of our action plans.”
Dr. Anthony Berrios, Ph.D. Vice President of Academic Affairs at Florida National University
“It is nice to have Watermark help us track this information so that we can relate it back to our strategic plan, our goals, and our overall assessment to show students success.”
Cameron Harmon, Ed.D., Dean of Math and Sciences, Head of Transfer Advising Center, System Admin. for Student Success & Engagement at Fayetteville Technical Community College
“A meaningful assessment process takes time to curate. It’s not a one-time event. It will not be brainstormed, created, and implemented in one meeting or just a semester.”
College of Education Assessment Team at The University of Alabama
“You hit a ceiling pretty quickly running on paper files. I’m no longer facing that strain since we’ve implemented Watermark. I have very rapid access to the data I need to manage and lead.”
Paul Gratton, D.B.A., Associate Dean & Chair of Business, College of Adult and Graduate Studies at Montreat College
“We’ve centralized all the data into Watermark, and there are different ways to slice and dice the information and leverage it centrally. We can share the best of what we do.” Creating Consistent Faculty Activity Reporting at Oregon State University
Lucas Turpin, Information and Technology Director at Oregon State University
“No more drawers full of flyers that we accumulate all year, then update the CVs a week before the deadline. Our data on activities is right there — and we can use it in multiple reports.” From Paper Binders to One-Click Reporting in Just Four Months with Faculty Success
Tim Howard, ViceProvost at Columbus State University
“Was it worth [implementing a digitized system]? Absolutely. We have a complete faculty activity database, we gained consistency in reporting, and we achieved full compliance with our processes for the first time.” Digitizing Faculty Review Processes with UTRGV | Watermark
Elizabeth Heise, Digitizing Faculty Review Processes with UTRGV at Watermark
“Jitesh’s performance over the past 7 months has been truly exceptional. His can-do attitude coupled with his humility, creates an inspring atmosphere within the team. Jitesh’s unwavering commitment to tackling challenges head-on and his eagerness to learn reflect the essence of progress and purpose.”
Watermark Employee
“Jordan’s passion for users’ experiences is evident in the quality of the work that she produces, and the time and energy she puts into engaging with clients.”
Watermark Employee
“Natalie is a never ceasing champion of process improvement. What I love most about her is her curiosity to continue to learn and apply her learnings to new things, and teach those learnings to others”
Watermark Employee
“Reports that used to take weeks to pull, I can do in a few minutes. It gives me peace of mind and allows for efficient, data-driven decisions regarding institutional effectiveness.”
Bliss Adkison, Associate Director for Academic Affairs and SACSCOC Liaison at University of North Alabama
“I was working 80-hour weeks to complete our reaffirmation report, and Watermark made it possible for my teammates and I to get the work done during our 40-hour week.”
Michele Atkins, Assistant Provost for Accreditation and Research at Union University
“Watermark helps us keep the students we’ve worked so hard to recruit and see them across the finish line, which in turn improves the bottom line of the college.” 
Ian Slater, Vice President for Student Development at Eastern Nazarene College
“It is so nice to finally have one place to house all of this information, I can’t tell you. It’s like night and day. We love it.”
Cameron Harmon Ed.D. Dean of Math and Sciences, Head of Transfer Advising Center at Fayetteville Technical Community College
“Everything was siloed in our college… no one really had access to everything. With Watermark, we were able to pull everything into one location, which gives faculty, staff, advisors, and leadership the same tool. They can see everything holistically.”
Pamela Madden, Director of Retention at Amarillo College
“Now, we are building a culture of continuous improvement. We don’t do this because SACSCOC tells us to; we do this because we have core values at this institution, and one of them is ‘Excellence-driven.’ Watermark Planning & Self-Study makes it easy to demonstrate outcomes.”
Michele Atkins, Assistant Provost for Accreditation and Research; Title IX Coordinator at Union University
“Watermark helps get all of the busy work taken care of faster so faculty can spend more of their time focusing on, ‘What do our students need?’ … ‘How can we better support them?’”
Marline Faherty, Director of Academic Affairs, Support Services at Drury University
“We’re able to target surveys by programs, disciplines, and then at a course level. Before, it was [all on] paper and pencil, and took way too long to get anything useful.”
Kimberly Brantley, Senior Research Analyst at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
“Now I can see which core competencies have unmet outcomes. Being able to have those conversations…is the most major university-wide impact from using the system.”
Bliss Adkison, Associate Director for Academic Affairs and SACSCOC Liaison at University of North Alabama
“The time [faculty is] spending on assessment and reporting will represent value to them…in their continuous improvement of course quality. Planning & Self-Study makes that possible.”
Sarah Leach, Associate Professor at Purdue University
“These changes have been a huge win. Getting proper benchmarks, assessment data, and course evaluation results has given us clarity…we’re swimming in good data now.”
Dr. Anthony Berrios, Ph.D. Vice President of Academic Affairs at Florida National University
“We wanted to work with a company that was going to upgrade, improve, listen to its customers’ needs and support those needs.”
Dr. Christine Denecker, Associate Professor & English Program Chair at The University of Findlay
“Taskstream has provided us with a campuswide assessment tool that is appropriate for our institution-wide accreditation, externally accredited programs, General Education assessment, and assessment of all non-instructional areas. ”
Scott Trimmer, Academic Technology Services Manager at The University of Findlay
“We are using Taskstream to operationalize the data collection process. Taskstream has forced us to begin to change the culture of data at GWU.”
Dr. Leslie Ward, Assistant Director, Division of Data Systems & Assessments at The George Washington University
“Taskstream’s cloud-based assessment management software has provided a platform for our college to report direct progress on the strategic plan. Taskstream has allowed SPCC to maintain costs and maximize use of resources by leveraging preexisting assessment management software to provide the senior leadership, the board of trustees, and the entire college community with critically needed strategic plan monitoring reports.”
Jill Millard at South Piedmont Community College
“Taskstream is an innovative company. They have pre-scheduled upgrades throughout the year which shows they plan to continuously improve and that it will be a smooth process.”
Dr. Leslie Ward, Assistant Director, Division of Data Systems & Assessments at The George Washington University
“Our most recent NCATE visit went exceptionally well and I really credit part of that to Taskstream because it was really easy for our visiting team to go in and look at our electronic exhibit room prior to the visit and we could easily add things for the team to look at after they gave feedback. We had a successful visit and passed all of our standards.”
Dr. Julie McIntosh, Dean at College of Education - University of Findlay
“Taskstream honors the human connection. In this day and age, the mere idea a technology-based company would continue to maintain a commitment to the old fashioned concept of “personal touch” service is itself worthy of praise.”
Marilyn Leuer, Teaching Performance Assessment Coordinator at College of Education, CSU Fullerton
“I tell all of my colleagues across the state that Taskstream is simply unmatched when it comes to customer service and responsiveness. I see Taskstream taking over the assessment world of higher education!”
Dr. Amy Dee, Director of Assessment at George Fox University
“We used a custom ‘SACS Reaffirmation’ workspace to complete our SACS Compliance Certification. All of our narrative and documentation was attached to this workspace including the links to annual assessment reports for each department across campus. We had zero calls from the off-site reviewers asking for any technical assistance!”
Dr. Tom Milholland, Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness at Abilene Christian University
“With the implementation of Taskstream we are able to spend much less time managing the data and much more time analyzing it and figuring out how our students are doing.”
Dr. Fred Freking, Associate Professor at University of Southern California
“Our most recent NCATE visit went exceptionally well and I really credit part of that to Taskstream because it was really easy for our visiting team to go in and look at our electronic exhibit room prior to the visit and we could easily add things for the team to look at after they gave feedback. We had a successful visit and passed all of our standards.”
Dr. Julie McIntosh, Dean at College of Education - University of Findlay
“Even individuals who have previously resisted outcomes assessment have come around as a result of implementing this system.”
Dr. K. Helena Bussell, Associate Provost at Texas Wesleyan University
“Even individuals who have previously resisted outcomes assessment have come around as a result of implementing this system.”
Dr. K. Helena Bussell, Associate Provost at Texas Wesleyan University
“With the implementation of Taskstream we are able to spend much less time managing the data and much more time analyzing it and figuring out how our students are doing.”
Dr. Fred Freking, Associate Professor at University of Southern California
“Taskstream honors the human connection. In this day and age, the mere idea a technology-based company would continue to maintain a commitment to the old fashioned concept of “personal touch” service is itself worthy of praise.”
Marilyn Leuer, Teaching Performance Assessment Coordinator at College of Education, CSU Fullerton
“Watermark is a partner with higher education. With other tools we have tried, they haven’t had that connection with higher ed and didn’t know our needs. Watermark has been able to partner with us to support our college’s accreditation as well as the accreditation for the whole university.”
Dr. Julie McIntosh, Dean at College of Education
“We have seen dramatic learning over time using ePortfolios through Taskstream. Our grads can take their ePortfolios with them after graduation—using them to apply for graduate school, as part of the employment application process, or simply to continue to reflect on the artifacts in the portfolios.”
Tara Hornor, Ph.D., Associate Provost for Planning, Assessment, and Evaluation at The Citadel
“We’ve had great success working with Taskstream. One of the great features of the AMS is that it provides one place to store, archive, and report our outcomes assessment data. The Taskstream team is very responsive to our concerns and needs. We feel we have begun a long-term relationship.”
Dr. Anne Wahl, Associate Provost for Assessment & Accreditation at Rochester Institute of Technology
“Watermark has allowed SPCC to maintain costs and maximize resources by leveraging assessment management software to provide the senior leadership, the board of trustees, and the entire college community with critically needed strategic plan monitoring reports.”
Jill Millard, Associate Vice President of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness at South Piedmont Community College
“We used Taskstream to complete our SACS Compliance Certification. All of our narrative & documentation was attached to this workspace including the links to annual assessment reports for each department across campus. We had zero calls from the off-site reviewers asking for any technical assistance!”
Dr. Tom Milholland, Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness at Abilene Christian University
“After going through so many different paper-based methods and other electronic systems, we chose Taskstream because it fit our university the best. It was the easiest tool to use and the reporting is very user friendly.”
Dr. Julie McIntosh, Dean at College of Education - University of Findlay
“Prior to using Taskstream, we had many excel spreadsheets that were manually entered and managed by one person. The use of Taskstream has allowed us to have more people involved in the collection and analysis of data which has really helped us to improve our programs.”
Dr. Karen Pettito, Director at School of Education - West Virginia Wesleyan
“Aqua has been tremendously valuable in moving our assessment processes forward. At UK, administrators are seeing the results and interpreting the data at the University level, while faculty are more engaged at the course level and making connections between assessment initiatives on campus.”
Dr. Tara Rose, Director of University-Wide Assessment at University of Kentucky
“We wanted to work with a company that was going to upgrade, improve, listen to its customers’ needs and support those needs.”
Dr. Christine Denecker, Associate Professor, Chair, English Department, & Director, Center for Teaching Excellence at The University of Findlay
“Taskstream is an innovative company. They have pre-scheduled upgrades throughout the year which shows they plan to continuously improve and that it will be a smooth process.”
Dr. Leslie Ward, Director of Academic Accountability and Data Systems at Graduate School of Education - The George Washington University
“I tell all of my colleagues across the state that Taskstream is simply unmatched when it comes to customer service and responsiveness. I see Taskstream taking over the assessment world of higher education!”
Dr. Amy Dee, Director of Assessment at George Fox University
“There are very few products that we work with in higher ed that have support I would recommend. But Watermark is always available via email and phone whenever you need them. They’re available to faculty and students, which really gives us a level of comfort using this on our campus.”
Dr. Karen Pettito, Director at School of Education - West Virginia Wesleyan
“Using Taskstream by Watermark across our 11 educational programs has created an environment of change and allows us to view data easily as a whole unit. We now use evidence-based findings to improve learning outcomes and allocate resources across the unit.”
Chris Widdall, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Taskstream Coordinator at SUNY Cortland
“Taskstream took any concerns about technology out of the scoring experience!”
Faculty scorer
“I was pleased with the ease of using and dependability of Taskstream.”
Faculty scorer
“We appreciate that what Taskstream has designed will grow with the MSC as we expand and scale our work to include many more states and institutions. Our partnership with Taskstream is one we plan to continue for many years to come.”
Julie Carnahan, Vice President and Project Director of the MSC at SHEEO
“I believe that we have found an ideal partner in Taskstream to advance our shared mission to help institutions improve. We have each built highly successful companies with similar visions and values. I can’t wait to see what we will be able to accomplish together.”
Bhupi Bhasin, President and Co-Founder at Tk20
“With this merger, we’ll be better able to serve our partners, support our employees, and achieve our shared mission. We’re excited to help more institutions engage in meaningful assessment and help more students achieve their educational goals.”
Kevin Michielsen, CEO at Taskstream-Tk20
“Tk20 Curriculum Mapping and Planning reports allow us to easily observe which core abilities are being assessed most commonly, determine if the courses are meeting the desired core ability achievement levels, and disseminate data quickly and easily to programs upon request.”
Shannon Helfinstine, Ph.D., Institutional Research & Assessment Coordinator at Aultman College of Nursing & Health Sciences
“Field Experience capabilities in Tk20 allowed our nursing program to better document students’ learning across various program competencies, and we look forward to expanding our use of Tk20 for additional nursing program assessment.”
Dr. Sherry Wilson, Co-Chair Assessment Committee at Crowder College
“Managing assessment and accreditation in Watermark enables us to acknowledge the good work that has been done and the improvements required for further growth as we make good strides toward the embodiment of a true culture of assessment.”
Steve Gruenert, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Educational Leadership at Bayh College of Education at Indiana State University
“Our evaluators shared how Tk20 simplified their review process for such a large Self-Study, and our writers and reviewers overwhelmingly preferred Tk20 for managing accreditation and look forward to continuing to manage our reports within the application.”
Rachel D. Bingham, Executive Assistant to the Dean at Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine
“Tk20 enabled us to actively use assessment data by moving it off the shelf, analyzing it, and working with the results to transform decision-making at every level of the curriculum.”
David A. Wayne, Ph.D., Special Assistant to the Senior VP Academic Affairs/Chair Curriculum Committee at A.T. Still University
“Tk20 gave us the robust solution we needed to reduce field instructors’ time in the system, collect data from students and assessors, and report on the percentage of students in each program who achieve specific CSWE milestones.”
Kelly King, Tk20 Unit Administrator, Department of Social Work at Roberts-Wesleyan College
“The UK Core Education Committee has spent considerable time developing a new, long-term plan for assessing our gen ed program as a critical component to our SACS efforts. This new approach required a system such as Aqua to effectively manage the process this faculty committee has approved.”
Dr. Chris Thuringer, Business Data Analyst, Analytics and Technologies at University of Kentucky
“The LMS integration tool in Tk20 by Watermark created a single and seamless process for submitting and grading course-based assessments, as well as the ability to record and report on that data all from one assessment system.”
Merri Incitti, Assistant Dean for Accreditation and Assessment at College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Fort Hays State University
“Implementing Faculty Qualifications in Tk20 let us streamline our professional activity reporting, promotion, and tenure processes. We’re looking forward to the next iteration to help prepare for our upcoming HLC visit.”
James Bahensky, Graduate Assistant, Assessment & Accreditation at Chadron State College
“Portfolios in Tk20 gave our faculty easy access across disciplines, links to individual students in classes, and an efficient way to assess student work by integrating all data elements in one central, electronic location.”
Dr. Nelle Moffett, Director of Institutional Research at California State University Channel Islands
“Tk20 CampusWide provides a much more robust, comprehensive measure of our students’ learning than previous methods which focused on measuring small samples of students using separate measurement instruments for course, program, and general education.”
W. Allen Richman, Ph.D., Director of Outcomes Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness at Prince George’s Community College
“Tk20 curriculum mapping enabled us to align gen ed outcomes with specific gen ed courses and collect gen ed assessment data from individual instructors using surveys in Tk20.”
Ranfen Li, Ph.D., Director of Academic Assessment at University of Illinois at Chicago
“Reports in Tk20 by Watermark let us easily observe which core abilities are commonly assessed, determine whether courses are meeting the desired achievement levels, and disseminate data quickly to programs upon request.”
Shannon Helfinstine, Ph.D., Institutional Research & Assessment Coordinator at Aultman College of Nursing & Health Sciences
“Tk20’s Application feature allowed our program to easily collect and analyze data about all admissions and denials, to ensure our process is equitable.”
Dr. David Bullock, Manager of Technology at Graduate School of Education - Portland State University
“There are very few products that we work with in higher ed that have support I would recommend. But Watermark is always available via email and phone whenever you need them. They’re available to faculty and students, which really gives us a level of comfort using this on our campus.”
Dr. of Gravitate
“I spend half of my life trying to uncover answers to key questions, so bringing data together in one place is part of the answer. Educational intelligence is the solution to almost too much of what ails us.”
Dirk Davis, Associate Vice President of Academics, Division of Online and Professional Studies at California Baptist University
“Planning & Self-Study mirrors the way we view assessment, has all of the dashboarding and reporting we wanted, and is flexible enough to align to our processes.”
Patricia Thatcher, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs at Misericordia University
“Adopting web profiles was a big driver of our project to standardize and get faculty information on the web. Now students know what the faculty are doing, their background and expertise. The grants office, university relations, and the community knows the expertise of the faculty members on campus.”
Michael Barber, Chief Information Officer at Montana State University Billings
“With Curriculum Strategy (formerly SmartCatalog), we create an online catalog that we can be proud of; it puts the power of editing in the hands of the stakeholders.”
James Curry, Assistant Vice President, Office of Student Assistance at Pace University
“There is a curriculum dashboard, and as an administrator, you can view where the submission is in the workflow and which user has done what. This is going to save us time and help us actually take the time to do other things to make our catalog and curriculum process better.”
Michelle Heiny, Assistant Registrar at University of Northern Colorado
“Connecting data from Course Evaluations & Surveys and Faculty Success frees up time for faculty, who don’t have to worry about formatting and uploading evaluations. This gives them more time to dedicate elsewhere — that’s a huge benefit.”
Calixto Melero Jr., Institutional Researcher at New Mexico State University
“I come to Watermark conferences every year to meet people who are a lot like me, have the same problems I have and are looking for solutions. In some cases they’ve found a solution that was right in front of me that I didn’t see, and in other cases I might say hey, we’ve figured out how to do this.”
Andy Oswald, Data Analyst at Sam Houston State University
“There’s value in being able to network with other professionals who do the same thing I do… Also, just the ability to pick up a phone and say wow, have you had this experience? How did you solve this? Do you know an innovative way to engage faculty on this particular subject? It’s incredible.”
Shannan Palomba, Assessment Coordinator at Gonzaga University
“With Watermark Curriculum Strategy, four-year plans will be housed within the catalog. It will allow students to say, ‘Okay, I like that major. Here are the courses I have to take each year.’ They will actually see their workload over four years, all in one location.”
Michelle Heiny, Assistant Registrar at University of Northern Colorado
“We wanted a tool that fit our process so we didn’t have to change too much, but that offered possibilities for surveys and reporting. Watermark allowed us to take course evaluations and general surveys and integrate them into Canvas, while also giving us the option to use a public link. It had everything in one package.”
Sanne Tanghe, Quality Assurance at Howest University of Applied Sciences
“Academic support found the platform very intuitive and user-friendly. While one attendee was initially anxious about the shift to annual reporting, they ultimately said, ‘The Annual Cycle of Continuous Improvement provides a built-in focus each year, and Planning & Self-Study is a place for me to see our progress over time.”
Michele Atkins at Union University
“Watermark is a company where you will find space to innovate, build products that inspire, and have a clear purpose. I get the ultimate level of support for accessibility from each member of our teams and leadership. For Watermark, accessibility is not just a tick mark of legal compliances, but helps us reach our vision to ensure our products are usable to everyone.”
Srinivasu Chakravarthula, Senior Accessibility Program Manager at Mohali, India
“What I like most about working at Watermark is the great support and direct access to top management and peers. I recommend working here because work is enjoyable when people and management both are supportive which brings out the best in everyone. It keeps you focused to deliver great work while balancing personal life.”
Pikender Sharma, Engineering at Mohali, India
“Many of our Watermarkers come directly from the education space. We’ve been so fortunate to have a diverse set of perspectives and experiences that have molded the spirit of Watermark that drives all of us forward as a team. The level of care, empathy, and enthusiastic support is unmatched at Watermark and something that I have not experienced before in any other organization.”
Austen Adair, VP Sales Enablement at Austin, TX
“I really enjoy the people I work with! It feels as though everyone has the same goals in mind and always working towards a solution that benefits everyone! Watermark feels very open at all levels and makes you feel that if something isn’t working as it should you can speak up and feel confident that your concerns are being heard!”
Dakota Carroll, Finance at Portland, ME
“I always look forward to Watermark Engage! Not only do I get to network with others from all around the nation, I get to directly interact with the awesome staff at Watermark. I thoroughly enjoy the energy and level of expertise I get to experience. Best conference ever!”
Dr. Kathleen Wagner at Eastern New Mexico University
“This student success solution is my one stop shop for student success. It allows me to keep track of how my caseload is doing in their courses, alerts me when one of my students has an issue, helps me to plan students’ future semesters, and provides a streamlined communication hub.”
Seth Buchanan, Director of College Success Student Transitions at Central Carolina Community College
“Watermark has been absolutely fabulous — truly A+ service. The support team is always very patient, takes time to answer my questions, and has helped me feel confident in guiding our students and instructors to use the system. No matter what the question is, large or small, they document my question and its resolution, so I can always go back and reference it.”
Tonya Jones, Student Learning & Licensure Coordinator/Certification Ombudsperson at Florida State University
“With Planning & Self-Study, reports that used to take weeks to pull, I can do in a few minutes. It gives me peace of mind and allows for data-driven decision making regarding institutional effectiveness in a more efficient way.”
Bliss Adkison, Associate Director for Academic Affairs and SACSCOC Liaison at University of North Alabama
“Using Tk20 by Watermark, we were able to align to statewide and national standards across a two-state, multi-location campus for numerous programs.”
Sherry McCarthy, Vice President & Dean of Academic Affairs at William Woods University
“From the organization of the programs and layout of the pages, to the ease of uploading their documents and entering field experience placement data, Taskstream has allowed our students to seamlessly submit their work and stay informed of their progress within the program.”
Eric L. Fotsch, Director of Field Experiences at School of Urban Education - Metropolitan State University
“A résumé tells them what you’ve done; an e-portfolio shows what you’ve done. It’s an ideal format for students to select, collect, and reflect upon their experience and educational skills, and to demonstrate those in very meaningful ways.”
Patrick Green, Ed.D., Director at Center for Experiential Learning - Loyola University Chicago
“We are excited to be joining the Tasktream-Tk20 family and look forward to continuing our commitment to help institutions stay at the forefront of learning assessment to ensure their success.”
Chris Kalmus, LiveText President at Co-Founder
“With LiveText joining the family, we’ll be able to offer even more innovative products that support the improvement of learning across higher ed. I’m thrilled we’re bringing our technology, experience, teams, and resources together to advance our mission.”
Kevin Michielsen, CEO at Taskstream-Tk20
“The conference is not only a time for you to renew and refresh your skills, it’s also a time to see people you’ve met in the past and make new acquaintances as well. I have found everyone to be supportive and professional – it’s like being part of a really big family!”
Jane Hawthorne at A.T. Still University
“We knew student learning was happening at our institution, but we didn’t have a lot of data we could point to and say, ‘Oh yes, this is where it’s happening.’ Outcomes Assessment Projects enabled us to produce quantitative data that allowed us to say that.”
Susan C. Warner Taylor, Director of Institutional Research & Assessment at Baldwin Wallace University
“We maintained Faculty Success as a kind of garden. We cultivated it, pulled out anything irrelevant, fertilized it, and kept it healthy.”
Robert Bucciere, Systems Training & Reporting Specialist at University of North Carolina Wilmington
“Faculty Success is designed with faculty in mind – but more importantly, it is extremely customizable, which allows each institution to set up activity tracking in a way that works best for them. The Faculty Success API allows schools to create custom integrations with other tools in use on campus.”
Verified User in Information Technology and Services
“Adopting web profiles was a big driver of our project. Now students, the grants office, university relations, and the community know the faculty’s expertise.”
Michael Barber, Chief Information Officer at Montana State University Billings
“Before, students turned in their field log on paper at the end of the semester. Now, whenever she needs to, our field director can monitor progress in real time.”
Shannan Palomba, Assessment Coordinator at Gonzaga University
“We couldn’t have prepared for CAEP without Student Learning & Licensure. Having all our data in one place and beautifully organized is wonderful.”
Elizabeth "Lisa" Winter, Coordinator of Assessment Evaluation at Seton Hall University
“We used to have lots of binders, files, and folders. Now we use Curriculum Strategy to look into archived files and see all of our curricular changes. It’s a seamless process.”
Tasha Taylor, Executive Assistant to the Provost at West Liberty University
“We wanted a tool that fit our process and offered possibilities. Watermark allowed us to take course evaluations and integrate them into Canvas. It had everything in one package.”
Sanne Tanghe, Quality Assurance at Howest University of Applied Sciences
“Getting proper…course evaluation results has given us clarity as to what’s actually happening within divisions and programs. We’re swimming in good data now.”
Dr. Anthony Berrios, Ph.D., Vice President of Academic Affairs at Florida National University
“Last spring, our response rates were in the 30% range. Our first semester using Course Evaluations & Surveys, we were at 83%. The only thing that changed was the technology.”
Jami Woods, Vice President of Instruction and Student Services at Roanoke-Chowan Community College
“The sessions have been wonderful but more importantly was meeting people that we don’t talk to very often. It is just a great place to share, collaborate, and make new friends!”
Chris Widdall at SUNY Cortland
“The community of LiveText users across the country has been a very valuable resource for us as well as the annual conference, which serves as a venue for renewal and an introduction to the products for new faculty.”
Dennis Pataniczek at Salisbury University
“Our paper-based portfolio projects were impressive and full of rich content, but no one would ever know. So we decided to use LiveText by Watermark ePortfolios to house valuable assessment data and help students develop themselves professionally.”
Susan Rogers, Co-Chair and Academic Director, Department of Sociology, Social Work & Family at Point Loma Nazarene University
“Taskstream by Watermark enabled our programs to organize their assessment plan with a step-by-step process that they now understand better, as well.”
Elaine Marchello, Assistant Director of Assessment at University of Arizona
“Using Student Learning & Licensure (formerly Via), we created an Assessment Portfolio to share our data transparently. We were commended in our site visit report for rapid progress in assessing student learning outcomes.”
Dr. David J. Turbow, Outcomes Assessment Coordinator at University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
“Our partnership with the Best Teachers Institute underscores a shared commitment to helping institutions of higher education improve student learning and institutional outcomes.”
Kevin Michielsen, CEO at Watermark
“Our partnership with the EDA, LLC demonstrates our commitment to serving the needs of ed prep providers. Our roots are in educator preparation, so we feel a great responsibility to support these programs with the tools and technology needed to better assess candidate readiness.”
Kevin Michielsen, CEO at Watermark
“Working together with the AALHE, we think we can make a greater impact on the field and help more institutions benefit from meaningful, effective assessment than we can through our technology and services alone.”
Kevin Michielsen, CEO at Watermark
“I thought this was one of the best conferences I’ve ever been to! I really enjoyed the sessions and workshops. Everything was easy and topnotch. Everyone was super friendly, approachable and helpful. Can’t wait for next year!”
Sarah Beaird, Assessment Coordinator at Western Oregon University
“The entire campus loves your product. Those of us working with you, especially me, appreciate your customer service and your willingness to go above and beyond.”
Joe Cabrales, Dean, Student Services & Student Development, at Crafton Hills Community College
“We can’t offer enough praise for Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKIT). We’ve achieved record-level response rates, which would not have been possible without their efficient and attentive customer support. With Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKIT) in place, we are able to conduct and report on multiple course evaluation projects efficiently!”
Angela Carlson-Bancroft Ed.S. at Emerson College
“Faculty like the ability to streamline their grading and assessment efforts. Honestly, Student Learning & Licensure (formerly Via) is just ridiculously easy to use.”
Carrie McCray, Associate Dean of Academic Assessment at William Woods University
“We’ve centralized all [faculty activity] data, and there are different ways to slice and dice the information and leverage it centrally. We can share the best of what we do.”
Creating Consistent Faculty Activity Reporting at Oregon State University
Our Solutions