Watermark Student Learning & Licensure

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Showcase the entire learning experience

Guide students through program requirements. Assess learning from the classroom to the field. Help students thrive and demonstrate results.

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Student Learning & Licensure by the numbers


outcomes measured


rubrics scored


field placements recorded


timelog entries approved

360° learning insights

Robust assessment and student management

  • Assess fieldwork and coursework for a full view of progress.
  • Coordinate placements and track progress toward licensure.
  • Use ePortfolios to showcase the entire learning journey.

What to expect

Assess and showcase holistic learning

Uncover insights with a student learning and licensure software

What do our clients have to say?

Watermark Student Learning & Licensure
Remarkable Transition from Live Text
“Faculty like the ability to streamline their grading and assessment efforts. Honestly, Student Learning & Licensure (formerly Via) is just ridiculously easy to use.”
Carrie McCray, Associate Dean of Academic Assessment at William Woods University
“We couldn’t have prepared for CAEP without Student Learning & Licensure. Having all our data in one place and beautifully organized is wonderful.”
Elizabeth “Lisa” Winter, Coordinator of Assessment Evaluation at Seton Hall University
“Before, students turned in their field log on paper at the end of the semester. Now, whenever she needs to, our field director can monitor progress in real time.”
Shannan Palomba, Assessment Coordinator at Gonzaga University

See Student Learning & Licensure in action

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