Gain 360° insights into student learning and rigorously assess outcomes, both in the classroom and the field. Guide students to success with robust candidate tracking from the application process to placement for internships, clinicals, and educator prep, to licensure.
Easily embed common rubrics into coursework and fieldwork to provide consistency and show student progress. Reports enable instructors to better support student needs and help administrators identify program improvements. Your reports easily support your institution’s narrative around results and continuous improvement.
Placement coordinators can efficiently build a network of sites and site staff to facilitate the placement process. Match students with mentors and supervisors. Leverage automated notifications to external mentors to initiate the field experience.
Give students and the faculty administrators who support them a comprehensive view of their performance throughout a program, from start to finish. Manage requirements, facilitate applications to the program and field, capture the documentation needed for placement and accreditation, and quickly understand whether students have met program requirements and are making progress toward licensure.
ePortfolios capture evidence of the skills and knowledge attained from courses, fieldwork, and other learning experiences. They give students an asset to confidently market themselves for employment and other pursuits. Provide evidence of outcome achievement and program quality for state reporting and programmatic accreditation.
With LTI-compliant integration with all major providers, Student Learning & Licensure becomes an extension of your LMS. Students and faculty access their work easily from a familiar system, and grade passback ensures grades flow to and from your LMS gradebook, eliminating duplicate entries. Plus, leverage your existing Turnitin integration for plagiarism detection to encourage authenticity in student work.
Colleges of Education can leverage an integration with the NCES database to identify placement sites and pull in reporting metrics on site demographics. Additionally, partnerships with SCALE’s edTPA and disposition assessment with EDA tools.
Data from Student Learning & Licensure flows directly into Watermark Planning & Self-Study to support accreditation and continuous improvement efforts.
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