
Watermark Insights Hub Flyer

Data without context is just noise. Positively impact the future of your college or university through centralized insights.

Real-time insights for your programs and institution — all in one place

Every college and university is driven by the core mission of making an educational impact on their students, institution, and community. But when you don’t have a clear understanding of what is working, what isn’t, and how to respond, you may find yourself stuck spinning your wheels. When critical institutional data is siloed within disparate or outdated systems, it is challenging for leaders, administrators, and staff to access meaningful insights they need to make the best decisions. But how do you break down these barriers, to provide faculty, administrators, and students with the best chance at success?


Learn more about how to positively impact the future of your college or university through centralized insights.

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“Where analytics and data are concerned, investment is the area in which higher education institutions are making the least progress.”

Jacquiline Bichsel, Analytics in Higher Education EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research

What if you could…
  • Gain real-time access to institutional and program progress in one place, without time-consuming reporting and analysis?
  • Surface insights and calls to action to complete tasks and answer essential questions about progress, improvement, and impact?
  • Improve engagement of administrators, leaders, faculty, and students for continuous improvement?
  • Ensure your assessment and planning are on track to provide insight on success, improvement, and impact?

The Watermark advantage

Data without context is just noise. With Watermark, you’ll no longer waste hours sifting through piles of paper or countless spreadsheets to make sense of your data. Our solutions provide context on critical KPIs for leaders, faculty, and staff, delivering actionable insights that drive long-term results for your institution and programs.

Insights Hub

Access insights pulled from Planning & Self-Study to strategically align your programmatic and institutional goals. Review critical information about educational value, student impact, and more.

Organizational progress on mission and outcomes definition

Understand the progress organizations and programs are making with defining their mission, outcomes, outcome alignment, and curriculum maps.

  • Automatically gain access to insights from across your organization in real time, in a single location.
  • Drill in to see statuses by organization or program. Drive engagement with gentle participation emails, or reach out to thank key contributors.

Map programs to institutional learning outcomes (ILOs)

See how well program outcomes are aligned with institutional learning objectives.

  • Know which ILOs are most and least supported by program outcomes.
  • With these insights, understand how committed programs are helping students achieve ILOs.
  • Use these insights to identify program challenges and openly discuss how to build alignment on learning outcomes.

Insights Hub

Easily access the key insights you need for continuous improvement. The Insights Hub pulls data from Planning & Self-Study, Course Evaluations & Surveys, and Student Learning & Licensure to provide meaningful context with minimal effort.

View real-time assessment progress through Watermark Planning & Self-Study

  • Monitor ILO alignment.
  • Track progress on assessment data collection.
  • Gain visibility into program participation in active assessment plans to help you prepare for academic council meetings and strategize on ways to drive engagement.

Get insights into your Student Learning & Licensure data

  • Understand the progression of gathering authentic evidence of student learning; catch problem areas where evidence is lacking.
  • Know the overall participation in learning assessments from organizations, programs, faculty, and students.
  • See the assessment progress of each learning activity for a given term.
  • Identify opportunities to engage and reinforce assessment practices across campus.

Track use of indirect assessment and feedback through Course Evaluations & Surveys

  • Understand high-level progress of student course engagement and satisfaction with real-time response rates for in-progress and completed course evaluations.
  • Benchmark current response rate compared to previous course evaluations.
  • Determine if additional tactics are needed to boost response rates to strengthen representation of student voices.
Insights Hub

Understand the scope, scale, and breakdown of your faculty’s focus on scholarship through insights pulled from Watermark Faculty Success.

Faculty scholarship summary

Review the accomplishments of your faculty by scholarship category.

  • Understand the progress of faculty documenting their accomplishments.
  • Cite these insights for internal and external presentations, while also supporting faculty leaders in documenting their accomplishments.

This is only the beginning!

As with the other areas of the Insights Hub, we’re continually working to expand the information we provide. You can expect to see insights into other facets of faculty responsibilities and contributions soon.

Insights Hub

Labor market insights from

Through Planning & Self-Study, you can take advantage of critical labor market data from Lightcast in cost-effective, fully integrated ways.

Access essential labor market and demographic data

  • Reference regional demographics and changes in population, jobs, and unemployment.
  • Keep a pulse on regional labor force trends and breakdowns.
  • See the top 3 highest and lowest growing industries and occupations in your region.

Dramatically improve program-review efficiency

  • Automate the curation and distribution of labor market demand data.
  • Access a table of data for program review.
  • Filter out the noise with data scoped to your program discipline.
  • Quickly and easily build data directly into program review narratives.

Make more informed decisions

  • Give institutional leaders immediate insight into high level trends for strategic planning and decision-making in the Watermark Insights Hub.
  • Equip faculty with insights to tap during program review with direct integration into their workspace in Planning & Self-Study

Insights Hub

Navigate risk, empower students, and achieve success through your Student Success & Engagement insights.

Gain insights into your student success initiatives

  • Understand the predictive risk rates of students enrolled in the current or upcoming term.
  • Expand your understanding of how the staff and faculty are prioritizing their outreach efforts with students across risk categories.
  • Kick off collaboration and impactful initiatives between institutional effectiveness and student success.

Insights Hub

Understand program demand to determine the success of your marketing efforts through your Curriculum Strategy insights. Monitor campus engagement in curricular innovation and gain visibility into review and completion — at the course and program level.

Insights into your top programs

  • Understand the top programs by monitoring the top page views within the last 30 days.
  • Anticipate the most in-demand programs.
  • Identify and align marketing campaigns and curricular revisions based on program view rankings.

Insights into program proposals

  • Quantify the number of program and course proposals submitted in an academic year.
  • Understand progress on program approvals, track the percentage that are in-review versus approved.
  • See which proposals have been submitted for new courses or programs, and which proposals are revisions.

man at his desk using a calculator
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