
Watermark Faculty Success

Base Tier
Faculty credentialing and process management to support continuous improvement and accreditation

Faculty Success helps institutions understand and demonstrate the qualifications of their faculty, empower well-rounded, insightful performance reviews, and showcase faculty accomplishments.

  • Make it easy for faculty to upload and update their details, and for administrators to verify and report on key data and insights.
  • Efficiently manage and report faculty credentials for accreditation.
  • Streamline workflows for faculty annual review.
  • Automatically keep your website current with the latest faculty information.

Discover Watermark Faculty Success Base Tier

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Build a central faculty information hub

Easily centralize faculty credentials, teaching, advising, development, service, and more, with imports, integrations, and thoughtful data entry tools. Administrators and faculty can upload information, make updates on the fly, and review their data to ensure their work is comprehensively reflected. Once gathered, your faculty activity data is always available in one reportable place instead of numerous filing cabinets, thumb drives, or inboxes.

Capture, confirm, and report faculty credentials

Faculty Success comes preloaded with tools to tie degrees, accomplishments, and other credentials together to show how each faculty member is qualified to teach their courses. Run credentials through your institution’s review and approval process. Then, report your roster of faculty qualifications with pre-built templates designed for your accreditor.

Faculty web profiles

Integrate Faculty Success with your campus website to keep your faculty’s profiles current with the latest details, from contact information to their expertise and accomplishments.

Streamline faculty evaluations and other key processes

Digitize faculty annual reviews, credentialing, sabbatical applications, and other faculty-related processes. Automated timelines, reminders, visually mapped workflows, and participant management tools ensure alignment with your campus policies and streamline these processes for everyone involved.

Part of the Watermark Product Suite

Through a direct connection with Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys, incorporate student feedback into faculty reviews in Faculty Success with just a few clicks so these important voices are considered for a more complete view of faculty impact.

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